I thoroughly enjoyed the first days of planting. Tomato, red bell pepper, yellow squash and my first time growing green beans I raised from seed.
On the right, my corn and zucchini are beginning to look happy and healthy. I ended up planting more green beans here near the fence. This area receives more than 5 hours of sun and although a small space, I had a extra tomato plant so trying it out here near some mint and jalapeno peppers. |
I love growing my herbs in a half barrel as I have here. Allows for an easy move of location if necessary. I didn't need a hole for drainage, found this weathered half barrel hidden in the corner in my yard. Cleaned it and raised the bottom so it's about 8 inches deep.
Lydia and Malinda just shared a tip for the garden………
1 tsp Epsom salt in 4 c warm water Spray on plant then again 10 days later. Boosts Magnesium which produces more fruit. I’ve done a variation of this by adding Epsom salt to the soil, before and after I’ve planted once plants are in good shape. Be careful if adding to soil, don’t put too much. As you can see from measurement above, you won’t need much. |
2015 crops, tomatoes, peppers, yellow bell peppers, red bell peppers and my first year producing egg plant. Along with the many herbs I have growing... (picture top middle) One herb I really enjoyed growing, cinnamon basil. I dried it and use it in potpourri, as well as in cooking.
Succulents |